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Essential Facts & Details on High-Definition (HD) Eyeglass Lenses

If someone’s dissatisfied even after having a 20/20 vision wearing eyeglasses, high-definition or simply HD lenses would work wonders. High-order deviations can negatively impact on the vision even if the prescribed eyeglasses have fully resolved myopia, presbyopia and astigmatism. The abnormalities or aberrations can be due to optical characteristics specific with each individual or perhaps by optical limitations of the current lenses you wear.

Ongoing advancements in ophthalmology brought forward high-definition eyeglass lenses that can surely rectify all these deviations and helps a person achieve much sharper vision than ever. The manufacturing design of these lenses caters to sharper vision in almost every lighting condition while reducing the risk of glare during night-time driving and other such tasks performed in the dark. Versions of HD lenses include high-index, progressing and photochromic lenses.

Free form Lenses

One of the most popular type of HD lenses are that of free form where the very term refers to advanced manufacturing process for lowering the high-order spherical aberrations occurring in traditional eyeglass lenses. Free form or digital HD lenses have its fabrication optimised through computer-controlled surfacing equipment which makes it more precise against wearer’s eyeglass prescription.

Assembly of these digital lenses also considers position of the lens when worn and its aptness to the field of vision which makes it more powerful; catering to sharpest possible sight. Other factor worth considering with customisation of the lens is the angle between rear surface of the lens and the eye with different movements such as wearer looking at the sides or through a certain angle which isn’t straight. Free form lens design and fabrication is then performed after considering all these factors.

The preciseness and personalised surface of HD lens certainly helps eliminating any such deviations which obstructs the field of vision, cause starbursts and halos at night. The end result of these lenses is sharper image, enhanced peripheral vision, better contrast sensitivity and reduced glares. However, any lens must be worn only after recommendation of eye consultants in Dubai.

Creation of HD lens for the eyes require additional details that are beyond those in the prescription. The optician is likely to take more measurements while choosing eyeglass frames. A patented measuring device at times is used to fit and fabricate that particular brand of HD lens so that the process is executed with perfection.

Wavefront Lenses

Some of the lens manufacturers introduced a new and more customised form of HD eyeglass lens known as wavefront lenses using the same technology as that to measure the eye optics pre custom, wavefront LASIK eye surgery. A computerised equipment beams uniform light waves in the eye that bounce-off the retina and returns the “wavefront” which further helps evaluating the entire optical inadequacies other than refractive errors and high-order deviations.

The right candidate for HD lens
Anyone wearing the usual eyeglass is considered a suitable candidate for HD lenses but preliminary consultancy must be taken from expert eye consultants in Abu Dhabi for best results. Individuals having healthy eyes and 20/20 vision but bothered by indistinct glares and halos are best for free form or HD lenses.

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